Our thoughts create our reality, spoon bending & Free Energy with Dale Pond

3 years ago

Deep Interview with Vibratory Physicist Dale Pond

Betsy Dewey and Dale Pond go deep into the metaphysical world of the mind's effect on matter (health and wealth included), our beliefs creating our experience, hidden technologies of John Keely and Nikola Tesla. We discuss Dale's reproduction of Keely's dynasphere, it's effects on people, free energy, how to bend spoons, how to change your deep beliefs, our current shift from 3D to 5D, consciousness, people waking up, the second amendment and even the expanding universe.

Dale's energetic and positive outlook on life, self actualization and healing is outstanding.

Books mentioned:

The Hidden Messages in Water - Masaru Emoto

You Were Born Rich - Bob Proctor

Dialogue on Awakening by Tom and Linda Carpenter

Christ Returns and Speaks His Truth

The Psychology of Achievement - Brian Tracy (CD set)

Dale's website: https://www.pondscienceinstitute.on-rev.com/

Dale's work: www.svpwiki.com

Page on spoon bending: https://svpwiki.com/Spoon-Bending

Our thoughts create our reality

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