MoShiach Era Paschal lamb Personal Insights

3 years ago

MoShiach Era Paschal lamb Personal Insights

We learn from our Sages that the Nation of Israel had reached the 49th level of Impurity in Egypt

Which meant a very high percentage did in fact Worship Egyptian Deities in one form or another

The Classic and most Worshiped was in fact the LAMB

Shock horror I hear you say!!!!

Exactly, this is precisely why Moses was groomed and made ready, just in the nick of time to be the MoShiach of that Generation

LAMB worship from Judaism point of view is the 49th level of idolatry

So HaShem instructed Moses to chose this idolatry symbol above all others for a sacrifice to the One True God HaShem and no others

However, most Hebrew loved this idol and animal was very Great indeed

And that was the reason for its selection above all others

So they were forced to do something that really hit the nerve on a spiritual and emotional level

To break the chains of idolatry in their minds and hearts

Which should only belong to HaShem

Then they were forced to keep the LAMB as a house pet for a week

Their children would play with it and as it in effect became a family member of the household

Now came the day of a very Great and symbolic test of their FAITH in HaShem and Moses

They had to wake up and prepare to get ready for the Angel of Death

Which would only spare them if they converted away from idol Worshiping
a false idol and God in their Hearts and Minds

Children would cry to not DO IT

Wife would be angry at their husbands for even doing such a thing

But it had to be done

So stroking and loving the LAMB it was taken outside

And just like Abraham a very sharp blade cut into the soft tissues of the neck as its LIFE FORCE departed

The BLOOD was saved and the LAMB butchered into pieces of meat for later

While the BLOOD was still warm and paintable the DOORWAY was washed down in dripping BLOOD

The Egyptians ran in HORROR screaming blue MURDER
but the local authorities were too scared to take any action

The Father came back with the sad news the children and wife screamed and cried for the rest of the Day

It was terrible,tell me about it

OK,but their is a silver lining to this event of DEATH,BLOOD and TEARS

And that is the Angel of Death would see this sign of CONVERSION back to the God of Abraham,Issac and Jacob


Mean while any homes that did not have this sign, be it Hebrew or Egyptian and had not turned their Harts and Minds to the true God

Would face the Death penalty of the FIRST BORN

So the moral of this is too always have HaShem in your Heart and Mind

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