Week 2 of the Chauvin/Floyd Trial Produces a Long Awaited Bright Spot for the Prosecution

3 years ago

The second week of the trial of Derek Chauvin was not a wall to wall slam dunk like the first week was. With that said, the one day that is being run into the ground was the testimony of Dr. Martin Tobin, didn't come until Thursday, several days after the entire team from the state dropped the ball.

The MPD Chief was a total dud, the use of force expert from Las Angeles claimed to have watched videos from an PDF viewer, and the man who trains officers was so good for the defense, he is being called back later in the trial as a witness for the defense!

But Dr. Tobin, who wrote the actual book on the respiratory system (out of the goodness of his heart, pro bono) gave the Prosecution exactly what they were looking for. He claimed that that Floyd died from a lack of oxygen, due to the force exerted on him by Chauvin. Also, no underlying condition contributed to Floyd's death???

The medical examiner who did the autopsy did say that the cause of death was a homicide, but also mentioned that the underlying conditions and drugs in his system contributed to his death.

But just listen to Dr. Tobin, he said that the bad cop killed that guy who dindu nuffin wrong.

Day 6: https://lawofselfdefense.com/chauvin-trial-day-6-wrap-up-chief-says-neck-restraint-not-trained-but-does-it-matter/
Day 7: https://lawofselfdefense.com/chauvin-trial-day-7-wrap-up-defense-slaughters-on-cross-of-states-own-witnesses/
Day 8: https://lawofselfdefense.com/chauvin-trial-day-8-wrap-up-defense-pummels-prosecution-with-their-own-expert-witness/
Day 9: https://lawofselfdefense.com/chauvin-trial-day-9-wrap-up-prosecution-has-a-not-bad-day-with-medical-experts/
The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/medical-examiner-restraint-caused-george-floyds-death-drugs-played-a-role_3770136.html

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#ChauvinTrial #GeorgeFloyd #Tobin

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