Canada is a State supporter of Terrorists! Canada supports BLM & Omar Khadr! Worse then Proud Boys!

3 years ago

The Government of Canada gave 10 million dollars to Omar Khadr, a terrorist who killed two American soldiers! That sent a message throughout the world of Islamic Terrorism that if you kill Americans and get treated badly at GITMO you get money from Canada! The Government of Canada supports and encourages BLM which burns and destroys neighborhoods to the point that those neighbourhoods make the aftermath of 9/11 look like a Provincial Park! The Government of Canada tolerates ANTIFA which assaults people they see who wear Trump Campaign attire! The Government of Canada has declared Proud Boys a terrorist group for doing FAR LESS if anything then ANTIFA, Omar Khadr and BLM have EVER done and Canada supports, finances and tolerates all those groups! That is why i am saying Canada is a State supporter and sponsor of Terrorism which is worse then Iran! #AranaNation​ #ProudBoys​ #OmarKhadr​

Link to the article where the NHS warns people who have allergic reactions to NOT take the virus and that two of the first people in the West who took the vaccine suffered adverse effects from it! Read the information before the New World Order censors it!:

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