CNN Analyst Leana Wen's Propaganda Fail with Chris Cuomo

3 years ago

Oops! 🙊

Propaganda fail on CNN, starring Chris "The Clown" Cuomo & Leana Wen––one former president of Planned Parenthood (which is amongst several profiteers making bank from jabs laden with foetal tissue acquired via their own special means of genocide).

Quick translation:
"All of this Plandemic nonsense will fade away into the aether if everyone is to simply go about their business as usual."

To state things a bit more clearly:
Pharmaceutical companies (& their government/corporate bedfellows/media shills) profit from illness, are exempt from all liability in any inevitable event of injury (or death––which has been listed as a potential "side effect" attributed to the jabs) to members of the public who naively follow the narrative/allow themselves to be injected with toxic cocktails made from aborted foetuses/mystery chemicals, and stand to profit even further from "future" administering of poisonous biotech sludge to the masses.

Resist the BS for long enough, and eventually it should all go away.

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