Carol Platt Liebau: Just Call It All “Infrastructure”

3 years ago

Calling new Biden legislation an “infrastructure” plan is like calling a shark a dolphin. They both may have dorsal fins, but you mistake one for the other at your peril.

Don’t be fooled: Only 5 percent of the bill’s spending would actually go for roads and bridges—what normal people think of as “infrastructure.” Add in items like Amtrak and broadband and you’re still only at 30 percent of the eye-popping total of $2.3 trillion dollars. And you’re supposed to pay for all this with the biggest tax increase since 1968.

Here’s what’s worse: the bill is actually about leftist social engineering. It would end right to work—something the left hates, because it guarantees no one can be forced to join a union or pay union dues in order to hold a job. Ending it offers a rich new source of campaign contributions for Democrats.

Calling a shark a dolphin doesn’t make it one.

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