How to Remember God Dreams! 5 Ways to Remember Your Dreams from God!

3 years ago

Difficulty recalling your dreams? Learn how to remember God dreams with these 5 ways to remember your dreams from God!

Join us weekly as we upload new and practical teachings and guides to walk in the supernatural life of the spirit seer realm in the deeper things of God! Learn how to become a mature son of God, hearing God through your dreams via dream interpretation Christian which empowers us to understand dreams and visions from God! As we hear Gods voice clearly, we can learn how to prophecy His heart as His seer prophet!

Learn how to open your spiritual senses and walk in supernatural power in this school of the spirit for the Christian seer. Move in translation by faith as we learn how to spirit-travel for the Kingdom of God, advancing into topics like how to time travel when we learn how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit clearly! How to go to the future and how to go to the past for the Christian are part of the John 1412 powers of the age to come!

We'll learn how to have visions from God, how to get your spiritual eyes open, how to see demons and angels, and how to work with angels in advanced spiritual warfare as we destroy darkness as a mature son of God, walking in the deeper things of God!

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#DreamInterpretationChristian #HearingGodThroughYourDreams #HearingGodThroughDreams

Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life”, and the Bible says God offers us life and death, asking us to choose life.

In Jesus alone, who is God, there is eternal life for all that make Him LORD, understanding that when we lied we became liars, when we lusted we became adulterers, and when we were angry with another we became murderers at heart, for our very thoughts will be judged as actions, for God is perfect and all-knowing. Without Jesus, we are sick and in desperate need of a saviour, for the Bible says the wages of sin (wrongdoing) is death. The Bible says, “None is righteous, no, not one...there is none who does good”.

Jesus bore the punishment of death [we earned] upon the cross, desiring life for us, and rose from the dead three days later because He was perfect and never earned death Himself. We will all face a Holy God in the courtroom of eternity, we have all broken His Law, and because He is just and loves justice, His justice demands He send us to prison without parole (hell forever). And yet...

He is rich in mercy. Jesus offers to pay the fine we can’t afford to pay, justice being satisfied, that we would have eternal life with Him. This is available only prior to death, to anyone who will believe in Him and make Him Lord of their life, confessing this and evidencing it by turning from the ways of the world and living how the Bible calls us to live, for “without holiness, no one will see the Lord”. We must receive this gift now, in this life, or it is too late, “for men is appointed to die once, and then judgment.”

In His great gift of freewill, we have a choice. Most choose to reject Jesus’, and this is why we live in a fallen and broken world. The choice to be separated from Him will carry into eternity: Hell. Weeping and gnashing of teeth, eternal torment; where the flame is never quenched and the maggot never dies. God earnestly desires we choose Him, for He is Life. The Bible says, “what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?”

It would benefit you to begin reading the Bible (the Bible app is great), beginning with the book of John, asking God for wisdom and understanding before you read.

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