Recusant Nine Transmission | Sunday | 04:04:2021

3 years ago

Welcome to Oldham: Where Fielding Continues Dodging Questions. Especially Where Child Abuse At Failsworth School is Mentioned

In what is now trademark foolishness by the Oldham Council Leader SEAN FIELDING, instead of easing worried parents concerns of child abuse at Failsworth School, where he was a governor, he avoids answering the simplest of question and attempts to absolve himself of any responsibility. Unfortunately for the Labour Party Leader of Oldham Council, the tide has turned and there is national outrage to the sexual abuse of children in schools.

Meanwhile, AROOJ SHAH also dodges questions of her own regarding her money laundering brother who has been reported to have fled the country for fear of arrest. Those of a betting persuasion are split over which story will break into the national news first.

In the midst of all of this, there is news of flag burning at a school in London, appeasement in Batley and a Race report that has caused outrage for its findings.

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them


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