0024 Vol XXV How Blinding is Your Worldview, Autonomic Triggers

3 years ago

GOP is using Autonomic Trigger on Trump supporters who are abandoning the GOP.  From the New York Times:
" The political arm of House Republicans is deploying a prechecked box to enroll donors into repeating monthly donations — and using ominous language to warn them of the consequences if they opt out: 'If you UNCHECK this box, we will have to tell Trump you're a DEFECTOR."'  That's an autonomic trigger, not wanting to be seen to be disloyal to Trump who fought so very hard for American's middle and working class people, who kept us from a new war, who destroyed the Mossad/CIA's Arab Legion operation in Syria and Iraq called ISIS, which was perpetrating Genocide against Arab Christians. The man who expose the Climate Hoax, withdrew the U.S. from the Globalist and Genocidal World Health Organization, Destroyed 40 years of the Trilateral Commissions work by killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the man who brought back Twelve-Thousand New Factories, when Obama said that was impossible, and it would have been Sixty Thousand by the end of his second term if he had not been literally overthrown by the CIA/DeepState and Globalist Cabal. And this list would be very long were I to tell the stories of all the things he did and tried to do that were to the benefit of the American people and indeed to the people of the world.  Do you think that the half-million people who turned out to greet Trump in India were fools, were duped? No, they knew his calling out Chinese Trade abuses HELPED THEM.  The GOP establishment understands the natural human loyalty that people feel towards Trump so they are trading on it, even though Trump sent them a cease and dissent letter ordering them not to use his name to collect money for the GOP or RNC.

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