Stand - Trust - Believe

3 years ago

#1Minute Encouragement Are you stuck in a bad life pattern? Have you asked and asked for God to change things up, but you are still there, stuck in this bad dream? God is not ignoring you, He has heard your prayer. Don’t underestimate God, because of your circumstances you feel are not changing. God heard when you asked and He is working in the unseen for your good even if life feels terribly hard. You wonder if you can endure, especially since you have seen no change and God has not intervened yet. You must stand in faith, believing the promises that God does not forsake us, nor does He betray us. God has a good endgame planned, and purposefully so, He is working it out from the unseen to the seen. Stand, believe that God is working good in the unseen, do not doubt Him, because He has been trustworthy your whole life, He has always eventually come through for you, and He will not give you more than you can bear. He promised you that. Wait in faith, stand firm in trust, and wholly-holy believe, God will come through for you, God will miraculously intervene. I know you believe in God, now it is the time to take that next step and believe God. Dig Deeper:

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