Have you heard of body wisdom?

3 years ago

Some of my clients had never heard of it, so I want to share a little bit about this tonight and then do an experiential exercise with you.

First of all, I want you to realize that your body is a truth detector.

It resonates with authenticity and truth.

Your body has a sense of what is true and what isn’t.

Our monkey mind tends to trick and confuse us.

To get underneath the layers of stress and confusion created by the small mind, we first need to be willing to simply sense, feel and explore a bit.

We actually have 3 main portals that will take us deeper into our inner being.

These doors of awareness are
1. The mind (higher mind)
2. The heart
3. The lower belly or power center/womb space/hara'

We can access this body wisdom through any of these doors,

The higher mind with bringing you a sense of clarity,

The heart has the energy of deep love, gratitude, and appreciation

And the lower belly, the hara, offers you a sense of profound stability and is often the hardest one to reach and remain centered in.

So let's start this body wisdom exercise.

Just take a few deep breaths, and set your intention for the next few minutes together to feel even more spacious, grateful, open and alive no matter where you are.

Whether you are feeling very challenged and not so great today

Or perhaps you are feeling terrific

Just remember, everything is welcome here

Bring your attention to the heart area in the center of your chest and put your hand on your heart as a kind of anchor.

Imagine you are breathing directly into and out from the heart

So take a few slow deep breaths.

As you do so, pop into your heart any stress or challenge or conflict that you are experiencing right now.

Or a decision you have to make…

There is an abundance of solutions to whatever is challenging you today.

Be willing to allow your attention to go a little deeper, so there is a sense of deepening

Or dropping back or leaning back

And start to shift your state from ‘knowing’ to an attitude of trust.

Notice what quality your heart energy is.

This energy of affection and love has been here since your conception

Before you learned about right or wrong, prior to any conditioning

Just be curious… does this space have any boundaries?

Just get in touch with your own heart now and simply feel yourself being held in this space

You have now fully entered into the heart portal and dropped into your inner being

Imagine if you could live your life every day in a place where all limitations cease to exist

Where you feel at peace with your past and curious about your future..

This is the place where miracles come from

Your reality can change instantly

Where solutions suddenly appear that you have never thought of before,

You wonder: where did that come from

In fact, when you think about the best moments in your life or the greatest experiences, they probably dropped into your lap.

You didn’t have to analyze or worry them into existence.

There is always guidance and support, it is continuously happening.

So just begin to sense your heart space in a very innocent way…

Breathe in relaxation.

Breathe in softening

Breathe out limiting thoughts and stress

Breathe in receiving and curiosity.

See how much love you can feel for them without constriction or distraction.

Feel how warm it is now inside your body.

Create more spaciousness in your body

Every breath you become more aligned,

Less mind chatter, more glow in your heart

Think of anything you feel grateful for… anything at all… breathe that in..

Releasing more and more resistance..

Don’t think… just feel your heart….

You are receiving from another plane,

Not from your strategic mind which has limited wisdom.

This energy right now is coming from your inner being..

You are abundance itself

As far as wisdom, guidance, solutions, just stay open enough to receive

It is always great to separate the problem or challenge with some meditation

Remember you are the antenna!

Which station are you plugged into?

You get to choose which station you want to tune into by separating yourself from your stresses and tune into your inner core being.

Infinite ideas, solutions, and support is here for you all the time, so keep tuning in to it so miracles can unfold for you the way they do for me.

Thank you so much for tuning in, big love,

Till next week, Grada

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