Asking Pete about the worst moment of his life and how he got through it.

3 years ago

Since we can't livestream your questions and answers anymore regarding your health issues, Pete and I decided to use this opportunity to get up close and personal with you.

Peter wrote a book last year and called it : The Red Coat, surviving the loneliness of growing up in the Secret Sect.

It is for sale online on Amazon and we should have the hardcopies at the Purple House next week. Here is the link to the kindle version so you can read it instantly:

This is one of the reviews:

How do children who are raised in religious cults cope with the challenges and complexities of life as adults?

The unassuming nature of Peter Robertson's writing provides a poignant glimpse into the tremendous side effects growing up in a cult in a country town has had on his emotional health and wellbeing.

Peter writes clearly and gently, with a focus on the details.

The subtlety of Peter's writing in The Red Coat creates a beautiful insight into life in the rural Tasmania of his youth, whilst exploring love, loss, tragedy and triumph.

A beautiful read from beginning to end.

Karen Collyer, Editor & Author of "Shame, Guilt, surviving Martin Bryant"

It is an easy read and I recommend that you keep your tissues handy.

I am so proud of Pete!

Here I am asking Pete about the worst moment of his life and how he got through it.

Please listen and share with anyone who is going through heartbreak or loss at the moment.

Always remember that you are not alone.

You are loved and taken care of by your seen and unseen family, whether you are conscious of it or not!

Hope you enjoy this video, much love from Pete and Grada

PS: Pete and I only recently realised that we both had a Near Death Experience in Forth.

How strange is that?

Pete when he was 19 and I at age 43.

Have you ever experienced a NDE? I would love for you to share your story in the comment box.

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