Episode 8: Dr Kevin Corbett

3 years ago

Episode 8:
Recorded 07-04-2021

In this episode I speak to Dr Kevin Corbett who is a qualified nurse and qualified social scientists.

We discuss in depth the AIDS PCR Test, Covid PCR Test, Amplification cycles, germ theory vs Terrain theory, Radiation and much more.

Dr Kevin Corbett's Links:
Here are the links I promised:

The Corman Drosten Review
The Corman Drosten Review is a science paper challenging the scientific basis of the PCR test for 'SARS-CoV-2' [the 'Covid test'] calling for the withdrawal of the PCR test:

Kevin Corbett's website on the Coronahysteria:

Selection of Kevin Corbett's HIV/AIDS work:

Twitter: @KPCResearch

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