新冠疫苗的針筒裡,預先注入了666獸印微晶片?!How will they put the RFID CHIP in Covid Vaccine?

3 years ago

How will they put the RFID CHIP in Covid Vaccine?
The US government and RFID CHIP Production Agencies are about to put Covid vaccines into syringes that are pre-filled with RFID Microchips? ! No matter what the vaccines manufacturers are, all vaccines will be injected with RFID CHIPS?! Even though they call it a "Vaccine Packaging", it is in fact a vaccine syringe pre-filled with microchips? !

"16牠又叫眾人,無論大小、貧富、自主的、為奴的,都在右手上或是在額上受一個印記。 17除了那受印記、有了獸名或有獸名數目的,都不得做買賣。 18在這裏有智慧:凡有聰明的,可以算計獸的數目;因為這是人的數目,它的數目是六百六十六。"啟示錄 REV 13:16-18

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