When Administrators Empower the Mob, Free Speech Gets Vetoed

3 years ago

When world-renowned economist Arthur Laffer agreed to speak at State University of New York at Binghamton, he ended up getting much more than he bargained for.

The university chapter of College Republicans and Young America’s Foundation (YAF) teamed up to invite Laffer for the engagement. But as it turns out, members of the College Progressives student organization were already planning disruption.

With the full and prior knowledge of university administrators, members of College Progressives and Progressive Leaders of Tomorrow (PLOT), a non-student group, stormed the event, shouted down Laffer with a bullhorn, and even physically assaulted a female member of College Republicans.

When university officials enable hostility toward certain viewpoints, facilitate mob disruptions of speakers, and fail to protect the students’ right to speak, they violate students’ First Amendment rights. That’s why ADF filed a lawsuit on behalf of College Republicans and YAF—because freedom is worth defending.

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