#GoPongo Book: The Power of Local News and Advertising Worth Billions

3 years ago

Publisher Daniel Webster is inviting 21 corporations to join the Pongo launch engine to found a new communications network. He just released his plan publicly in his new book "#GoPongo -- Launching the World's Largest Communications Network Connecting Every Device for Every Person in Every Language Everywhere on Earth" on Amazon and at bookstores worldwide.

#GoPongo is currently ranked as the #1 New Release in Media and Communications on Amazon.

**** Amazon #GoPongo ebook, paperback and hardcover: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08ZT3M316/  ****

In his #GoPongo book, Webster dives into the power of local news and advertising. He explains how major national brands can become trusted local sources. 

"Local news is intensely personal, as it deals with issues which affect a reader personally, where the person lives and their intimate daily life. So too is local advertising," Webster said. "In a local news environment, local advertising is part of the local news feeling, and is treated as part of the local news experience."

A local reader considers a local ad as part of the local information which locally plays a role in their life, he explains in his book.

Webster confronts the current digital dilemma in his newly released book and offers his solution. Thousands of local newspapers have shut down across the country and around the world. Webster, a former owner and publisher of a local newspaper, claims that the majority of his former advertisers stopped advertising when he closed his paper and this is a well of untapped cash, totalling in the billions of dollars worldwide. Pongo will seek to service this market.

Webster is a small town news publisher in Northern California. Pongo is the digital replacement for his newspaper, seeking to save the newspaper industry worldwide and the internet in the process. 

Webster's community lost its local weekly and daily newspapers.

"The line between news and advertising blurs on a local level. Readers and viewers watch and participate in it all intimately. After all, an advertisement for their local pizza restaurant or grocery store is coming from a local business they know and shop," said Webster. "The local person wants to support their local business to keep them thriving in their local community. They’re friends."

Webster is launching Pongo through a series of videos on his @danielwebster Twitter account and #GoPongo book on Amazon. The ebook is priced at 99 cents to download. He priced his ebook to be affordable for everyone. Webster released a video today regarding the power of local.

"Will you throw Pongo a bone and download my 99 cent ebook to help me get the word out?" asks Webster. "Yes, Pongo is a talking dog. You'll discover that in my book."

Daniel Webster is Pongo's Parent. He is the former owner and publisher of the Pioneer Press and currently publishes news on his Scott Valley News, Yreka News, Mount Shasta News and Northern California News on Facebook.


Amazon #GoPongo ebook, paperback and hardcover: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08ZT3M316/  

Daniel Webster on Twitter: @danielwebster http://twitter.com/danielwebster 

Website: http://dweb.news

YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/R5UD-X3Aotw 

Video Music: I Can’t Stop by Punch Deck | https://soundcloud.com/punch-deck Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US 

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