2 Weeks to Go

3 years ago

2 Weeks to Go

FaceBook - https://fb.watch/4HeCSk95ii/
SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/poetikjustices/2-weeks-to-go
YouTube - https://youtu.be/GMuMg5DxlTM
Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/532951392
Telegram - https://t.me/c/poetikjustices
Rumble - https://rumble.com/vfecbz-2-weeks-to-go.html
Instagram - http://hyperurl.co/h45wg1

How dare you?

2 weeks turned into a year
Masking a small child injecting with fear

How dare you?

Isolating the frail
The elderly in jail

The notion that distance will save
And hugs lead to graves

Stand in a grocery store stacked to the hilt
While shaming your citizens with hate riddled guilt

How dare you?

Pretending to care with rules so unfair
No singing in churches, you stand over there

No smiling, no laughing, no dancing, no songs
Keep buying your everything from amazon.com

A new normal on travel, on friendship, on faith
Protected in bubbles so lonely yet safe

How dare you?

Changing the numbers, the science, the truth
While banning opinions of doctors with proof

Who’ve dedicated livelihoods, once people we praised
Now shamed and discredited accomplishments razed

No science, no data, just models that lie
The public now begs for permission to cry

The public now begs for permission to breathe
Elected officials with freedom to leave

Dividing communities while children they stare
The fabric of society so torn it won’t tear

In hopes of real heroes who will save them from rage
While parents stand helpless afraid to engage,

How dare you pretend that you’re saving their souls?
How dare you pretend you’ll relinquish control?

Invited the vampires into our homes
Surrendered our freedoms to TV and phones

Ratting out neighbours with whom once we broke bread
And fighting with family for glorious dead

How dare you?

You lied to us. Thats not the worst part
We accepted and expected this all from the start

We gave you permission, our will was once free
Don’t take it from doctors, don’t take it from me

Don’t take it from countless who know that you’re wrong
Believe politicians who sing you this song

Believe it from experts whose jobs are secure
Who close up your business so arrogant, so sure

They’ll say that you’re selfish, your callous and cruel
They shame you in public to follow their rules

They’ll tar you and feather you, they know you’re afraid
While taking vacations and still getting paid

How dare you? I know how you dare
Abusing the children the masks that they wear

The fear you’ve created, the anger, the pain
The drugs you’ve debated this permanent stain

Your hatred of people who questions your views
You’ve done it through billboards, through posts and the news

You’ve fact checked according to facts you create
Ideas disparaged no room for debate

We’ve given permission we’ll never take back
Enjoy living safely with all you will lack

Told you are the problem from a system they brought
That you will encourage through the things that you’ve bought

How dare you question the words of the state?
You must be a racist with hearts full of hate

How dare you assume it’s your right to be free?
You’re subjects of criminals your eyes cannot see

You’re slaves of enforcement not heroes not brave
Not smart cuz you listened to liars who gave you

This misinformation and said they were right
Kept moving their goalpost away from the light

How dare you admit you were wrong and you bailed?
How dare you look back the oath you have failed?

Thank God when it’s over this horrible show
How dare you stop now just two weeks to go

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