Human Digital Liberty: WarriorIAM and HumanIAM Prototypes

3 years ago

CYVA Research is a cybersecurity innovation and strategic research and development firm that is focused on developing game-changing security, trust and privacy technologies and strategies for its clients. Our internationally patented owner-operator controlled, self-protecting, self-governing Personal Information Agent™ (PIA™) (HW/SW) technology provide people and organizations the capabilities to protect and control their identity and information assets wherever they exist, post decryption. This capability is the foundation in forwarding disruptive innovate approaches to the challenges of security, trust, and privacy in our presently hostile cyberspace.
CYVA Research’s cybersecurity innovations provide people the capabilities to protect and control their identity and information assets wherever they exist, post-decryption, e.g. lock-at-will, erase-at-will, audit-at-will, change governing security and privacy policy-at-will; and according to their terms and conditions derive value and/or benefit.
We call this Human Digital Liberty.
CYVA’s Personal Information Agent™ (PIA™) augments humans, amplifying their abilities to protect and control their human digital existence, their security, privacy and liberty in our present hostile cyberspace.

Human Digital Liberty Platforms and Services

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