Denise Brailey: The Mortgage Fraud that will Smash Australia's Financial System!

3 years ago

Australian Citizens Party presents Australia's leading expert in mortgage fraud BY BANKS, Denise Brailey of the Banking and Finance Consumers Support Association (BFCSA), gave the following presentation to the CEC's 30 June seminar in Perth. Denise exposes the mechanics of the massive mortgage fraud perpetrated by Australia's banks, with the complicity of the regulator APRA, to pump up one of the biggest housing and debt bubbles in the world. This is the same fraud that fuelled the US sub-prime bubble which triggered the global financial crisis 10 years ago this month, and will likewise crash Australia's banks and economy when the bubble bursts here. Denise digs deep into the scandal that the royal commission was only able to briefly touch on, due to its restricted terms of reference and time.

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