Biden's Economic Guy Seriously Tried To Defend Infrastructure Spending

3 years ago

WALLACE: "Again, Brian, I’m not going to argue about whether or not it’s a worthy project, but the infrastructure of care, you’re really stretching the word beyond all meaning. What you’re doing is you’re going to pay people to take care of the elderly and disabled. I mean, it’s a social program."

DEESE: "Well, we are going to invest in building childcare facilities, we are going to invest in upgrading home and community-based care facilities, we are going to invest in our VA hospitals, we are going to invest in putting people to work, building and addressing deferred maintenance and addressing the lack of access to this type of care that keeps parents from being able to work, that keeps families from being able to work. That will create more jobs. It’ll create more opportunity for people to get into the workforce. It’ll expand our economy’s potential."

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