A Dog Having An Incredible Birth While Standing

3 years ago

Finding out your dog is pregnant is the most fun thing we can think of! Since a dog's pregnancy only takes around two months, you should expect to see bundles of fur in your home soon!

When your dog becomes pregnant, you may wonder, "how do dogs give birth?". You don't need to be nervous as the due date approaches; dog labors are normally often less dramatic than human labors, and your pet should be able to produce the puppies without difficulties. Mum should be well, but keep her company during labor in case your dog has any issues.

If you're concerned about your dog getting pregnant or giving birth, talk to your doctor. Their suggestions should help you relax.

Getting your dog ready for the birth

Make a nest

Build a 'nest' in the last two weeks of your dog's pregnancy so that Mum can rest and give birth to the puppies in comfort.

A large cardboard box lined with puppy pads (in case of accidents) and filled with clean covers, boards or towels is a perfect nest for dogs giving birth. Make sure the box is large enough for both mum and the litter to fit easily inside and give mum some room if she needs it. You must also ensure that the crate is tall enough to prevent any intrepid puppies from fleeing!

Place the nest in a peaceful, room-temperature location where they will not be bothered and will be able to remain warm. Using your dog's own bedding or toys in the nest (as long as they're clean) will inspire your pet to use it and help the soon-to-be mother feel at ease before the birth.

Get some help

While your dog's labor can go without a hitch, it's a good idea to have some assistance on hand to keep them calm and in case anything goes wrong.

Prior to your dog giving birth, get your veterinarian's after-hours phone number, as births often occur at night. If your vet doesn't already know, inform them of your dog's due date so that they can be prepared. If mum has difficulty delivering the puppies, you may need to move them to the veterinarian, so make sure you have transportation.

Have nail scissors and many clean, dry towels on hand during the birth in case mum needs assistance. If the litter is big, you will need an additional basket to make sure there is enough space for the new puppies!

If you ever decide to separate the puppies from their mother, you'll need to keep them warm. Since hot water bottles' sharp teeth and claws can cause punctures, I suggest using a microwaveable beanie bag instead.

Know what to look for in terms of warning signals.

A decrease in mum's body temperature from 38.5°C to 37°C is one of the first symptoms of imminent labor; labor normally starts 12-24 hours later.

During the last week of breastfeeding, take the dog's temperature twice a day with a rectal thermometer to see if anything occurs. If you're confused, ask the veterinarian to demonstrate. Stop taking her temperature if you notice it is giving your dog discomfort. At this time, you must assist your dog in staying as calm as possible.

Mums-to-be can become restless during the final week of dog pregnancy and seek refuge in a quiet field. In the 12-24 hours leading up to their due date, a lack of appetite and scrabbling in her bedding are normal.

Your dog may sometimes move the nest you built for them to another part of the building. If this arises, aim to keep it in the preferred position if at all necessary.

Do you have a dog that is expecting? While we hope your dog's birth goes smoothly, it's always a smart thing to be prepared in case the unexpected arises.

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