UK: Police Halt Good Friday Service, Polish Minister in Canada Kicks Out Cops; EU/UK News 4/4/2021

3 years ago

On today's episode of top news stories from around the world, Easter show: In the UK, Police Halt #GoodFriday Service... then in #Canada we see a #Polish Minister kicking out cops from service... #GoodFriday Service... then in #Canada we see a #Polish Minister kicking out cops from service... #KlausSchwab says "there's no going back"... Italy's #Salvini meets with #hungary's #VictorOrban, and the #UK u-turns on Pub Certificates... and best of all #HeIsRisen!!!! says "there's no going back"... Italy's #Salvini meets with #hungary's #VictorOrban, and the #UK u-turns on Pub Certificates... and best of all #HeIsRisen!!!!

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