Covid19 Vaccine: Efficacy vs Effectiveness

3 years ago

This video is a result of something that I had seen on my good friend @AGRichard1 Twitter page/thread a few weeks ago regarding these "vaccines" pointing out the inconsistencies and possible issues with what was actually being tested for in terms of Safety, Efficacy and Effectiveness.

This production, like my first video, is created with the help of my good friend
His Twitter and Gab handles are:
@DaveyJo50046282 (Twitter)
@BillyRay105 (Gab)

In this video I clearly demonstrate that no living person on earth right now can use the word "SAFE" when speaking about these products due to the very real fact that the final safety studies are NOT complete. I also demonstrate inconsistencies within MS Media reports on Efficacy and Effectiveness and I point out the many issues found within the actual FDA and UK documents for ALL of the current manufacturer's products in use today.

The first 14:42 of this video is simply pointing out all of the data and facts, while the remaining 44+ minutes shows the full work and effort I put into making this video with my actual phone calls and email exchanges with ALL 4 manufacturers, and the difficulties I run into in trying to find simple answers to simple questions!

Phone calls and emails in order:
Moderna - phone call took place on February 25, 2021

Pfizer - phone call took place on February 26, 2021. BioNtech email is on February 27, 2021.

AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson - phone calls took place on March 23, 2021

Links to the documents:


Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson

All of the articles used to show the lockdowns and restrictions can easily be found with a simple Google search.

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