Good Friday: It Is Finished

3 years ago

Our dearest Lord preached a wondrous sermon from the wooden pulpit of His Holy Cross…a sermon made up of seven last words…seven memorable phrases. The sixth word from the Holy Cross was short, but most meaningful. The Crucified One simply stated: Consummatum Est…It is finished. In the death of the Son of God and Son of Mary all is consummated…all is finished. His Father’s Most Holy Will is fulfilled. From the time of the Incarnation…from the time that the Word became flesh…the Son of God has been utterly fixed upon doing the Will of Him that sent Him. Now all is accomplished. Christ has observed in every way…in every point…the law which His Father had laid upon Him and which He had lovingly accepted. Every type, every foreshadowing, every prophecy is realized and accomplished in Christ. There is not a circumstance of His nativity, of His life, and of His death that does not fully conform to what had been written of Him in the head of the book of the eternal divine decrees. Nothing of the Father’s will has been left undone.

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