Easter Sunday, Introit

3 years ago

Easter Sunday, Introit (Ps. 138:18,5,6,1,2)

Resurrexi, et adhuc tecum sum, alleluia: posuisti super me manum tuam, alleluia: mirabilis facta est scientia tua, alleluia, alleluia. (Psalm) Domine, probasti me, et cognovisti me: tu cognovisti sessionem meam, et resurrectionem meam. Gloria Patri. Resurrexi, et adhuc tecum...

I arose, and am still with Thee, alleluia: Thou hast laid Thy hand upon Me, alleluia: Thy knowledge is become wonderful, alleluia, alleluia. (Psalm) Lord, Thou hast searched Me, and known Me; Thou knowest My sitting down and My rising up. Glory be to the Father. I arose...

This chant is performed by CIRMA/ Ensemble Organum lead by Mr Marcel Pérès

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