Oh, The JOY!

3 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement Oh The JOY! What beautiful words: He Is Not Here! They still bring much joy to us. We heard about His life how He lived so incredibly selfless and giving and then was betrayed by one of His closest friends. Oh, how He understands our human pain. He experienced all of our life, our God incarnate, our God in the flesh. He came to us, to die our death so we could live His life. He’s Not Here! When they went to the tomb to prepare Jesus’ body. He was not there! Oh, The JOY! He had risen! Thank God, He was not there. Jesus, rose from the dead. He was not in the tomb. He rose from the dead. The tomb couldn’t hold Him. He died with carrying all of our sins, try rapping your mind around that kind of anguish. With beautiful agony, this precious Savior, dying our death, so we could live His life. Jesus, He bled into the wounds of humanity and healed us of our sin. The Resurrection power of Jesus, Christ in us, the hope of Glory. Oh, The JOY! Jesus is Risen. He Is Risen Indeed! The greatest transformation ever known to mankind happened as the power of death was denied and transformed into forever life. Do you understand what that means to us?! We human beings have been saved forever; death has no sting. AweGOD! Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/hes-not-here/

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