Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- 2 April 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- 2 April 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Collapse of Ownership Interests
Please turn your attention to a small and seemingly unimportant part of the three original Federal Constitutions issued in our country as part of our Organic Law: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17.
All three Constitutions, the American Federal Constitution granted to the States of America, the British Territorial version, and the Papist Municipal version, all bear witness to this provision.
It allows the members of Congress to act as the plenary government of Washington, DC, the then-new Federal Capitol.
The idea was that everyone would have an equal interest in providing a beautiful and politically neutral setting to conduct business and that the members of Congress could be trusted to run a city government. They were allowed to do this as a plenary oligarchy.
But which Congress was so favored? We know for sure that it was the American Federal Congress operating as the Federal Republic and doing business as the States of America, because it first appears in the 1787 Federal Constitution.
This power to run the city of Washington, DC, as a plenary oligarchy was not a responsibility vouchsafed to the members of the Territorial Congress, even though it stands on the record of all three constitutions.
In the wake of the Civil War, the members of the Territorial Congress usurped their actual Employers and continued to operate "as if" they were the Federal Congress.
They reorganized the City of Washington, District of Columbia, and placed its administration under the auspices of a Municipal Corporation, creating the Municipality of Washington, DC, and adopting the political status of an independent, international city state, complete with their own flag.
But they never had any authority or material right or interest to do this.
The governance of the City of Washington, District of Columbia, like all other delegated duties belonging to the Federal Republic, reverted to the Delegator --- our Federation of States --- by Operation of Law, upon the incapacity of the Federal Republic.
Those Powers, contrary to some popular thought, did not just drift around in the sky or on the sea, subject to salvage by unscrupulous employees.

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