Calvary's the reason why, and Gone--An Easter message in music

3 years ago

Our church recently lost a good friend in Mickey Beck. I recently came across this song that is perfect for the Easter season. Mickey had a great impact on Me, and my love of Gospel Music, along with mentors Jody and Frances Fortner both of which are gone on to be with the Lord. One benefit of the celebrating the resurrection of our Lord, is knowing that We also will rise, to see them again one day. This is a tribute to some wonderful singers gone on and a celebration of our risen Lord, by witch we are saved. Here is Mickey Beck singing "Calvary's The Reason Why" and yours truly singing one of Frances and Jody's most popular songs, " Gone". This weekend we celebrate His death on Calvary, and that it was not the end, but the beginning. The angel asked the question, " Why do you seek the living among the dead, He is not Here, He is risen..." Luke 24:5-6 I pray that this will bless you at this special time.

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