Undoing Neo Gnosticism with the Priesthood and Our Lady Co-Redemptrix

3 years ago

The Gnostics are forever looking for doorways to higher realities and the special knowledge that opens them… rings, spells, and all sorts of occult nonsense that will open up a pathway to take flight from this world of shadows. Yet, the priest starts out his path in the minor orders as a porter and ascends the minor and major orders to become a priest. He then stands at the foot of the Cross with Our Lady… Co-Redemptrix, the Gate of Heaven, through the Holy Mass wherein he opens doors. This is the role of Co-Redemptrix and the priesthood. It is one of ascent. An offering of sacrifices. Then God responds and gifts of grace are granted… Our Lady then becomes the Mediatrix of ALL grace, and the priest distributes these to the faithful. If the priest does not understand this two-fold (ascending and descending) nature of God’s plan, he will just turn Mass into a meal and be about giving out food. How very important it is for the priest to be devoted to Our Lady, Co-redemptrix…

For more please go to http://www.reginaprophetarum.org & please say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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