Texas Weather - Students Failing - Politicians get a Raise

3 years ago

ERCOT faces class-action lawsuit, resignations in wake of Texas power outages

Texas’ embattled power grid operator is facing lawsuits and resignations after more than 4 million customers lost electricity last week during a deadly winter storm.

Morgan & Morgan, a Florida-based national law firm with over 700 attorneys, filed a class-action lawsuit on Tuesday against the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), alleging that the nonprofit corporation "utterly failed" to plan for the cold weather despite multiple warnings, leading to the collapse of its electrical network and resulting in widespread blackouts.


Maryland Gov. Hogan calls for investigation into Baltimore HS failing students, others call for shutdown

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has called for an investigation into a Baltimore High School after a local investigation found scores of students at the school are failing.

A senior at Augusta Fells Savage (AFS) Institute of Visual Arts failed all but three classes over four years and still graduated at the top half of his class with a 0.13 GPA, according to a Fox 45 Baltimore report published earlier this week.

"This is something I’m going to ask the inspector general to immediately look into. They have to get to the bottom of this and find out who’s responsible," Hogan told the outlet on Thursday.


Is Justin Trudeau’s So-Called Popularity Canada’s Most Fake News Of All?

Call Cultural Action Party crazy—you wouldn’t be the first. And yet, in our opinion, there is something within Canadian society far more insane. This would be the so-called “popularity” of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Frankly, CAP just don’t get it. A recent poll from Angus Reid Institute has Mr. Trudeau currently leading in the polls by six points. A list of refutations of the reality of this would take a light year to articulate, so we will keep things to a minimum.

Here’s one salient observation—the commentary on the social media pages of mainstream media outlets. Take for example, the Facebook pages for CBC News and the Globe & Mail. If a person has any long-term experience with these groups, an obvious clue will be found here.

Indeed, the times they are a changin’. Up until six months ago, the majority of reader comments regarding Trudeau were on the positive side. This is no longer the case. It is fair to say well over half are today of the negative variety.


MP pay raise kicks in April 1

Nope, not a joke. Yup, Justin already makes over $1,000 a day for what her does, which is not much.

While many Canadians struggle with unprecedented unemployment and sky-rocketing debt as a result of government-enforced lockdowns, members of parliament are set to receive a raise on Thursday.

On April 1, MPs will receive an automatic raise of around 1.8% which is based on similar average raises negotiated with major corporate unions. Currently, MPs receive a base salary of $182,000 annually, while cabinet ministers receive $269,800.


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