Cash Pay: It’s Not Who You Know, It’s Where You Go - Matthew Dale – CEO - Point Health

3 years ago

Middle-class families over the past decade have found themselves becoming cash patients due to deductibles amounting to thousands of dollars, and most institutions now offer a discounted price for cash patients. Former President Trump even mandated price disclosure, to facilitate competition to drive down costs and improve quality. Yet many hospitals - and insurers - resist bundling services around expensive surgeries to allow true, comparison shopping.

For decades Matthew Dale and his father, Dr. Tony Dale, have helped health payors negotiate prices to help this cash market. First, for a Christian sharing ministry, the elder Dale pushed hospitals across the country to give his cash patients a fair price. Out of this experience, the Dales formed the Karis Group, renowned for their ability to disgorge prices from reluctant providers. Cash pay doctors are becoming increasingly popular as a result of expensive insurance premiums and poor coverage. Matt walks through the benefits of cash payments for patients and providers, and how cash pay knowledge can help all patients find (and sometimes negotiate) quality care for a fair price.

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