Once For All

3 years ago

Jesus, let our lives not be all about who or what we are against, but be all about You, Who is for us, Who we are for. Why do we strive to belong in a world we were not created to belong in? We should do what it takes to pursue the Kingdom of God, letting this be the perspective we live out of. Knowing, God, loving God, serving God, this is WHO and His Kingdom is WHAT we should be for. Once for all, this was Jesus’ way. We need to be for all. Being against something is exhausting as we pursue worldly rights we think we should have. We get so offensive about our “human rights” when Jesus, the One Who bought our freedom did it by laying down His “Kingdom Rights”, once for all! The cause we should be chasing after should not be supported by a worldly viewpoint but a Kingdom perspective. Once for all, like Jesus, we should be on mission with God, in followship of His Holy Spirit, not taking up worldly causes that are temporary and only matter for the here and now. Our mission is a forever mission and this Kingdom of God is where we should invest most of our time, pointing people to the reality of truth, Jesus, His Kingdom, the forever part of life. We were all created in God’s Image and we all matter. Let’s not trip over our personal rights, instead let’s embrace the human race as the one race we are, and together prepare to share the destiny we all have in God’s Kingdom because Jesus died for us, once for all, so we are able to live with Him forever. Dig Deeper https://thebridegroomscafe.com/how-love-wins/

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