#B10 - How to Make a Resurrection Day Cake Video! (Children's Bible Audios - Bible Stories for Kids)

3 years ago

I've done a very short video on how to very easily make a Resurrection Day Cake. Our family has been doing this for years, and I thought you might want to start this Easter tradition with your family as well, to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus.

We use it as the centerpiece for our Easter dinner, and it is a reminder all during the meal that "He is not here!! He is risen!!" Hallelujah!!!!!!!!

Here's how to make a Resurrection Day Cake:
1) Buy or make a cake.
2) Dig out a "cave" in the side.
3) Put a cookie or peppermint pattie as a "stone" next to the "empty tomb".
4) Decorate or not as you wish (get the kids involved!).
5) Cut the cake from the back in order to keep the "empty tomb" as long as possible.

You can just leave the cake as is. But I like to put fresh flowers from my back yard on top, a sort of picture of new life from the earth. After I told my young church mothers about this, one family put knocked down little green army men for the guards! Another folded a stick of gum and put in the "cave" for the folded grave clothes! (I'll bet the kids were in on this! But I never went this far!)

Please comment if you make a Resurrection Day Cake.

I also have a children's Bible audio, "The Real Story of Easter for Children". It's strictly a harmony of the Resurrection accounts from the 4 Gospels with a Gospel presentation at the end. Enjoy!

All my Bible audios for children are available for free with their free pdfs at:

In addition, the audios are also available here (All of my podcast sites are listed alphabetically below):

I have 7 children, 7 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. I’ve taught women’s or children’s Sunday School classes for over 25 years. Originally I compiled my Bible audios for my young grandson, aiming them at children 4-10 years old (though many adults have told me that they’ve also enjoyed them and learned from them). The purpose of my audios is several fold: (1) To teach the Bible stories to children, (2) to do this in order, teaching that there is a continuity to them, that they aren’t just disconnected “bedtime stories”, (3) to show the faithfulness of God and how He keeps His promises and fulfills His prophecies, and (4) to tie in to the Gospel in each audio with reasons to believe (apologetics for kids ). Controversy is carefully avoided. I have over 80 Bible audios and several videos for children on Sermonaudio.com where they are free for downloading. (Just type in my unusual first name [Joelee] or "children's Bible audios" when you get there!)

My audios are all available on the following sites, listed alphabetically:
Acast: https://play.acast.com/s/childrens-bible-audios-stories-for-kids
Amazon music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/6dcc7e8d-5520-4891-9fd9-ba0c23693523/Childrens-Bible-AudiosStories-for-Kids
Bluebrry: https://blubrry.com/childrens_bible_audios/
Cast Box: https://castbox.fm/channel/Children's-Bible-Audios-Stories-for-Kids-id422890?country=us
Digital Podcast: https://www.digitalpodcast.com/feeds/98524-children-s-bible-audios-stories-for-kids
Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2VybW9uYXVkaW8uY29tL3Jzc19zb3VyY2UucnNzP3NvdXJjZWlkPWNoaWxkcmVuc2JpYmxl
iHeart radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-childrens-bible-audios-sto-74678387/
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/childrens-bible-audios/id1179154463
JioSaavn: https://www.jiosaavn.com/shows/childrens-bible-audios-stories-for-kids/1/LStQSwzI9-Q_
Listen notes: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/childrens-bible-audios-stories-for-kids-A3n9qHdIoYE/
Pandora: https://www.pandora.com/podcast/childrens-bible-audios-stories-for-kids/PC:46209
Pocket casts: https://pca.st/3ljmq1t3
Podbean: https://childrensbibleaudios.podbean.com
Podcast Addict: https://www.podcastaddict.com/podcast/1866427
Podchaser: https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/childrens-bible-audios-stories-218910/episodes/recent
Sermonaudio (listed in order & with PDFs): https://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?sortby=title&keyword=childrensbible&SourceOnly=true&AudioOnly=false
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2dn8UmQcL6BVLL6swFuFEU?si=fJip6EL-QNm0h_a3kgyIbg
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/childrens-bible-stories
Tunein: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Kids--Family-Podcasts/Childrens-Bible-Audios-Stories-for-Kids-p1382661/

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