Woke Companies With Bad Takes Don't Know Who Taught Them Have Skeletons in Their Closest

3 years ago

Woke Companies making Political statements is nothing new. Add on to that a misinformed opinion or 20 and that is the state of the world. You have Delta Airlines and Coca-Cole (Did you remember to be less White today?) dish out their hot takes on Georgia Election legislation without thought, just because some minority business 'leaders' think it's somehow racist to show ID to vote. Try to get through the lobby of an airport without ID for proof of hypocrisy.

Their cries or racism and such will undoubtedly be growing after the banning of Critical Race Theory starts passing through different State Houses in the coming weeks. Governor Ron DeSantis is leading the charge there with several other states in tow. He can smell when an ideology is off and CRT, Intersectionality and Postmodernism is emitting the aroma of a dumpster in the Florida sun. It's no wonder why one of the 'Founding Woke Fathers' Michel Foucault is facing some spicy allegations years after his AIDS riddled death.

The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/31/business/delta-coca-cola-georgia-voting-law.html
The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/republican-states-push-back-against-critical-race-theory-2_3755770.html
Breitbart: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/03/29/woke-hero-philosopher-michel-foucault-raped-children-as-young-as-8-years-old/

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#Delta #Coke #Foucault

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