WHO study Ivermectin since last November with positive results. Interview with Pierre Kory, MD

3 years ago

Dr Pierre Kory is President & Chief Medical Officer of the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance. Members of the FLCCC Alliance came together in early 2020, when the SARS-CoV-2 virus began to sweep through the world, to study and create effective treatments for the disease known as COVID-19.

The treatments created were the MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol, and the I-MASK+ Prophylaxis and Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol.
They have also made several other significant contributions to the field of medicine. Dr Pierre Kory is one if FLCCC’s five core critical care physicians.

Pierre Kory is the former Chief of the Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin.

He is considered one of the world pioneers in the use of ultrasound by physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of critically ill patients. He has led over 100 courses nationally and internationally, teaching physicians this now-standard skill in his specialty.

Dr. Kory was also one of the U.S. pioneers in the research, development, and teaching of performing therapeutic hypothermia to treat post-cardiac arrest patients.

Known as a Master Educator, Dr. Kory has won numerous departmental and divisional teaching awards in every hospital he has worked.

Dr. Kory has led ICU’s in multiple COVID-19 hotspots throughout the pandemic. Having led his old ICU in New York City during their initial surge in May for 5 straight weeks, he then travelled to other COVID-19 hotspots to run COVID ICU’s in Greenville, South Carolina and Milwaukee, WI during their surges.

He has co-authored 5 influential papers on COVID-19, with the most impactful being a paper that was the first to support the diagnosis of early COVID-19 respiratory disease as an organizing pneumonia, thus explaining the critical response of the disease to corticosteroids.

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