Prophecy: Revival in Nashville TN within 30 days, God shakes the nations - Timothy Dixon 2021-03-30

3 years ago

I will bring back Donald Trump
The politicians will not be able to say it was them
A flood of My Spirit
I will touch the high court judges and judges through the states
I will shake Hawaii, Japan, China, Korea, Germany and bring revival
Within 30 days revival in Nashville TN
Covid restrictions relaxed for my people
I will shake the coast in Mobile AL, Dauphin island, South Alabama, Nashville TN
A plague upon those that refuse to heed
Massive floods through the mountains
Floods in Indonesia, India
Revival healing, dead raising, touching those that cannot be touched
Great cries of repentance
Songs of Zion throughout America, islands, Bahamas
The songs shall be changed to a Zion song
I AM have come down
I will touch the song leaders in regeneration
Nashville shall be shaken
Headline news that Nashville has been shaken
I'll shake Jackson AL, Meridian, McIntosh, Mt Vernon, Axis, Satsuma, Chickasaw
I'll move through Oregon
Antifa riots because politicians fear they're losing
Donald Trump back to the white house
I shall reign with freedom
I'll bring healing to the nations
Shaking in Africa, healing, miracle working power
I will shake Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga TN, Rossville GA, Chattooga County, Ft Payne AL, Collinsville, Gadsden
Ohio, Ohio valley tremors where there's never been before
Sounds out of the earth that's never been before
Locusts sent through America
I'll shake the whole state of Georgia
More whirlwinds in Georgia
Yellowstone to shake and erupt in small measures
San Andreas split more

Be sure to visit Bro. Timothy's channel

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