DELETED YOUTUBE VIDEO - Cold Flu Fever - Get Rid Of.... Easy + Fast - HOW TO

3 years ago

How to get rid of Cold Flu Fever FAST + EASY.

Basically you can't get rid of it once it enter your body. But you can speed up the healing progress faster and easier, that is what this video intention is.

There are 2 videos in this video, it's about Breathing Better + Body Temperature Control. That is how I made the discovery on how things work. See those videos and you shall see how breathing and body temperature control really works.

Breathe Better Video:
DIY Wonder Bracelets Video:

EXAMPLE: A FEVER = Temperature.... Right? How the in the world does your body is able to "TURN UP" the temperature in your body? Well, unless it uses something to do it, right?

Remember... Radiation plays the biggest role in the Universe! -Jordan Bronson
Remember... Learn how to listen to your body. -Jordan Bronson

NOTE: These funds are for Videos - Channel support only.
SONG CREDIT: Trance Jedi - A bit of Craic - By Alan

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