Taiwan government more worried that REPORTS of adverse effects of vaccines are creating hesitancy..than investigating adverse effects...disgusting....

3 years ago

Government slowly takes control away from individuals using covid as an excuse...the government will choose if vaccines are compulsory or not
They say it is not compulsory but will "reward" people who are vaccinated, instead of a 14 day quarantine, it will be seven when entering Taiwan, but you will still be forced to take a PCR test...(not about your safety, but about taking over control of you)
Article says that bats caused the "covid" in Wuhan..not a lab...more propaganda from the MSM
And a Bible verse bonus. Jesus has already won!!! It is finished...cheer up, He has overcome this world....(At this stage, if you have taken the vaccines you can still repent and be saved and healed and restored because it is not the final mark...(the one in your forehead or right hand))

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