Maltese puppy being born breech birth

3 years ago

Puppy Born Feet First! (Breech Birth)

Outstanding Videos
Published on Apr 1, 2009
Puppy Born Feet First! (Breech Birth) Watch Jojo's Maltese puppy being born feet first . This is the 1st video of three cute puppies from birth to 8 weeks old. These puppies were in March, 2009.
Dogs birth behaviors are related to wolfs because dogs were domesticated from the gray wolf thousands of years ago. In the wild - female wolves eat the newborn's placenta which provides a valuable meal when she is unable to hunt while caring for her pups! The mother will clean the pups by licking which stimulates them to urinate and defecate by licking the genital region. She swallows all of their excretions, keeping the den clean and odor-free. More about wolf pups​
Watch a pregnant dog named Jojo, expecting 3 puppies, in labor give birth during welping!!! This dog birth and development of this Maltese breed is similar to all dogs.
This is the 1st video of three cute puppies from birth to 8 weeks old.労働の子犬を期待している妊娠した犬はwelpingの間に出産する

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