The David Knight Show 30Mar2021 - Full Show

3 years ago

INTERVIEW: Eric Peters,, Biden’s tax by mile and $4 TRILLION “infrastructure” for electric cars

Establishment's 4th Wave FEARMONGERING to Push Vaccines & ID

CDC Director’s “I’m scared”, “impending doom”

More agitprop to push vaccines on children

Marxists come for “sheet music” as a sign of Western supremacy

After caving to LGBT mob, Gov Noem tries to get back her support by fighting with a satanic troll

2:10 Glenn Greenwald, Matt Tiabbi go after the ““journalistic tattletale and censorship industry” and the government censors pushing it

28:58 Oxford Turning a Deaf Ear to Beethoven: Ban Written Music! Ode to Joy AND to Western Civilization?

40:41 USA Today Reporter Who Went After Christians, Finally Fired for Hating White People…John Wayne has something to say to her

47:36 IMPENDING DOOM! CDC “Off Script” or Just BAD Acting? Watch & see if you don’t think Bill Paxton did panic MUCH better.

58:47 Dartmouth-Brown study shows how mainstream media put PANIC in the PANIC-DEMIC — here’s what the public “thinks” it knows after the disinformation campaign by establishment media

1:07:27 CNN “documentary” highlights the “chilling conclusions” of Dr. Scarf (Birx)

1:15:00 Our new lockdown healthcare system is everything we feared from govt healthcare and WORSE than ObamaCare.

1:24:22 CBS, former CDC director and others are now talking about the “China virus” having been released by Wuhan lab and covered up by China. WHO & Fauci push back. It’s a DISTRACTION and FEAR campaign

1:33:53 Let no crisis go to waste? Environmentalists are freaking out over the waste — mountains of masks killing animals

1:36:45 Dear Abby-Normal: Writer Explains Why She LOVES Her Lockdown. This is what we’re up against — the derangement of the sado-mask-ists, explained by one of their own. How she stopped worrying and learned to love lockdown slavery

1:48:21 VIDEO: Fauci demands masks for kids, compassionately doesn’t require parents to mask at home

1:49:40 VIDEOS: Media pushes Excelsior pass, Biden wants one just like it nationally but 92 yr old Holocaust survivor says this is WORSE

1:59:08 INTERVIEW: Eric Peters,, joins — $3-4 TRILLION (who cares the exact number) “infrastructure” & tax-by-mile to destroy all private transportation (including electric cars).

2:50:07 Watch How They Sold Cigarettes to Kids THEN, and Sell Vaccines to Kids TODAY

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