2015-07-14 □ Incense Offering Why the Church goes through Tribulation

3 years ago

C: This was uploaded on my birthday ..714...The Lord has showed me this # everywhere lately
R: I mentioned this in another comment but 714 can also be colors.
TheA4:A29 1 could be Zero = Omega (I'm staying in hotel room 704)
For example 1 = Alpha or Light from which all color comes.
7 = 7 Spirits or Lights of the Menorah ROYGBIV
4 = White, Red, Black and here Blue = 4 Spirits of the Heavens
There's Red, blue and purple which are royal colors and here are the Names/Colors of the 7 Spirits of God
Isa 11:2 And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,
the spirit of Wisdom and Understanding,
the spirit of Counsel and Might,
the spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord;
Lord (YHWH) is center - Green. Then Hebrew is read right to left so Wisdom is to the right of Center and Understanding left of Center. Thus the colors of the Rainbow ROYGBIV overlaid like this:
Fear Might Understanding Lord Wisdom Counsel Knowledge
Est 1 Where were white, green, and blue, hangings, fastened with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and pillars of marble: the beds were of gold and silver upon a pavement of red, and blue, and white, and black, marble.
Here in Esther we have the colors represented corresponding to the 7 Spirits and 4 Spirits of the Heavens.
White - Light from which all colors come
Green - YHWH
Blue - Wisdom
Silver (Indigo) - Counsel
Violet - Knowledge
Gold (Yellow) - Understanding
Red - Fear of the Lord (YHWH)
Then the Armies are the pavement of White, Red, Black and here Blue. The 4th is interchangeable between Blue, Pale or spotted.
Wisdom and Fear of the Lord are often spoken of together, as are Blue and Red.
Also it's interesting that all colors on TVs etc are Red, Green and Blue. Fear, Lord, Wisdom.
Scarlet is described as a combination of Red and Purple and Wisdom is also described with Knowledge.
Daniel also has a Song in chapter 2 when he uses the names of the 7 Spirits
Then Daniel answered with [6]Counsel
Blessed be the name of [4]God ( אֱלָהּ ’elâh) for ever and ever:
for [5]Wisdom and [2]Might are his:
And he changeth the times and the seasons:
he removeth kings, and setteth up kings:
he giveth Wisdom unto the wise,
and [7]Knowledge to them that know [3]Understanding:
He revealeth the deep and secret things:
he knoweth what is in the darkness,
and the Light dwelleth with him.
I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my Abba Father,
who hast given me Wisdom and Might,
and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee:
for thou hast now made known unto us the king's matter
v31 the form thereof was terrible [1] (Fear)
To Daniel, it was made known ( יְדַע yeḏa‘corresponding to h3045 yadah) the interpretation to the King. Then he's clothed with Scarlet/Knowledge.
C: Thank you brother, I truly believe you are sent by the Lord Jesus. I'm so thankful to God our Father for sending you to teach us. Is there a play list to this video? I've been going through the fire myself and have been brought to a place I never knew before. I'm thankful to be refined by His Holy Spirit and taken out of Babylon. It's sad that so many of the people making videos here on YouTube hold on to their Babylonian traditions and doctrines of men. It's plainly seen that they don't seek truth because truth is not in them. I pray for you Brother Ben, please pray for me.
R: There is a playlist "why the church goes through Tribulation" but I believe what you are asking about is message "Furnace, Tried by Fire" https://youtu.be/FB7QQTe2uzQ - VIDEO: 1/3 Tried in the Furnace, Purged by Fire Feb 10, 2018
Q: Leeland when you said church , do you refer to the remanent too??
A: No, basically refering to the great multitude.
But to be more specific the church is 3 groups, remnant, martyrs, 200 million army and there will also be a great harvest.
Q: i have a few questions concerning the body of christ. what does it mean to be sealed by the holy spirit of promise unto the day of redemption? Ephesians 1: 13-14
A: Redemption of the body
Rom 8:21 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body
C - comment; R - response; Q - question; A - answer

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