2017-12-01 □ The Great Army Census

3 years ago

Notes: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1upPS8p2xtqNzzdhDlM46_Rbj7rZHHNgI - GOOGLE DRIVE: All Notes - Great Army
Shekel of the Sanctuary https://youtu.be/0ounRsX-V_g - VIDEO: Shekel of Sanctuary-Talents give Census, Elect, Great Multitude and Martyrs Jun 12, 2016
Numbering the Manchild/Elect https://youtu.be/T8HX-tEqDQY - VIDEO: Numbering the Elect/Manchild 127, 1200, 144000 Feb 3, 2017
6th Trumpet Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... - PLAYLIST: The Great Army
12 Apostles judge 12 Tribes https://youtu.be/SHxZ03YodDQ - VIDEO: 12 Apostles Sit to Judge Bride, 288k virgins, 144k wise, Lamb reigns 1260 Pt8 May 5, 2016
Ephraim and Dan https://youtu.be/ahhzBywBi_I - VIDEO: Ephraim and Dan - the Great Multitude - 6th Trumpet Army Part 1 Feb 27, 2017

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