Human Trafficking Part 2 of 3

3 years ago

The Truth As We The People See It By: Kerri Scheetz
Human Trafficking Part 2 of 3 This is a very real & sensitive subject material.

Ricky Gervais 11 mins

Brilliant Mercer Law School Attorney Lin Wood KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING when he published the Mike Pence Warning MEMO mailed by News Reporter/FBI witness Timothy Charles Holmseth to AG Jeff Sessions to alert Donald J. Trump about a world-wide cabal of … 13 mins


Part 8: Beyond Kings & Queens By Janet Ossebaard 19 mins

Why do they steal children & adults: to harvest Organs for the black market, to impregnate to keep amply supply of babies, to brutally torture for satanic rituals, to use as sex slaves, to use for no/low income workers, to produce Adrenochrome.
They are no just hidden in tunnels & locked away in homes. Many survivors talk of being able to walk around freely with gps units &/or handlers managing their every move. They lived in fear of death to themselves and their loved ones.

They are stolen, sold, their families are threatened into handing them over, or parents and family are murdered and victims are stolen. Those coming across with “coyotes” often work for drug cartels. They claim them as their children to get into the US. Under Trump children were separated from “parents” until they could infact verify they belonged to whom they were claiming to be. Many of these victims were actually saved from slavery & were into safety for medical treatment from what they had experienced thus far.

Human Trafficing/Child Rape & Sacrifice *Tech Issue Audio Only. Movie Played on Part 3 of HT.
What Trump has done to combat Human Trafficking Video 11 mins

Please Take a Moment to Pray for all the Victims & Survivors of Human Trafficking as well as those who are responsible for rescuing them.
Research the Signs to Look for & Help Victims.
Teach your Children how to avoid being lured in. Monitor your children(s) social media usage
*I always try giving credit where it’s due. I also like sharing their messages, directly from their mouths so that I do not misinterpret their messages. I encourage all to do your own research & come to your own conclusions. Do Not just take my word for it. I share this information with you as it has been represented to me. It is my hope that what they/I are sharing are facts, if they are not I apologize in advance. I can be contacted at I am only human & it’s possible I made mistakes. Hang in there with me! God Bless You All, K

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