Editorial 30th March 2021 Easter message

3 years ago

Editorial, an Easter Message
Nothing lasts forever. My time is nearly up. I have relied on a 2013 era laptop to get through my 28 published books and online work. My ERTAON keys are all faded to smears as opposed to letters, and I only recognise them by position. This morning, I dropped my computer and now the screen is partly obscured by crisscrossing bands. I'm taking it to maintenance, but have little hope it won't be expensive. A comparable modern computer would cost me over $8k Australian, without insurance. I need to upgrade my phone, my iPad, my refrigerator and my calculator too, to be of a work standard for school. I can do without the latter for a time, but the loss of my computer is a blow. I went to Centrelink to organise a loan. They could loan me $500. I can't get a loan from a bank. The end comes with a rush, and a little whimper. I am proud of what I have achieved. I believe I can still follow through with daily postings to complete my video projects of Bible Reading, Bible Quotes and Morning and Evening. I will leave behind my 28 books. I explain to my students that to tell the truth, one must sometimes lie. The truth is I love God. I understate my issues, so as to not detract from my message of love for God. But in understating my issues, I am lying. The fact that I will eventually fail, falling from my stage, does not mean God is not working powerfully in my life.
I tell people not to fight the Devil, but resist it. The Devil is fought by God, and has lost, The Devil has no future, but a black pit from which there is no escape. But, if one tries to fight the Devil, they can end up dancing to its' tune. It is not my job to be immortal. But it is my job to do my best. I thank Jesus for my life.

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