Somalia National Anthem (1960–2000; Instrumental Midi) Somalia Hanoolaato

3 years ago

The Somali Republic was formed on 1 July 1960 following the union of the newly independent Trust Territory of Somalia (the former Italian Somaliland) and the State of Somaliland (the former British Somaliland). At this time a wordless and untitled piece by Italian composer Giuseppe Blanc was adopted as the national anthem. This anthem remained in use during the Somali Democratic Republic period between 1969–1991. It was replaced in 2000.

Somali National Anthem / Inno Nazionale della Somalia / Heesta Calanka Soomaaliya / Hymn Somalii / Himno Nacional de Somalia / Somalische Hymne / Nationalhymne Somalia / l'Hymne National de la Somalie / Hino da Somalia / Гимн Сомали / Volkslied van Somalië / Himna Somalije / Somali Milli Marşı / Somálská Hymna / Szomáliai Himnusz / Hymne Somalien / Inno Nazionale Somalo / Himno Somali / Somalisch Volkslied

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