Existential Threat to America - Cold War 2.0 is Happening Right Now

3 years ago

China and the Islamic Republic of Iran have made a dangerous deal to undercut U.S. interests.

Today on Sekulow, we discussed the deal announced over the weekend between China and Iran, via their two foreign ministers that will pay Iran – the number one state sponsor of terrorism – $400 billion dollars over twenty-five years. That deal is aimed at Iran’s infrastructure.

I think the bigger point is that China is unilaterally making this deal. China had previously been a part of the initial group that made the nuclear deal with Iran. Now they are agreeing with Iran that there should be no negotiations with the United States or the Biden Administration until all sanctions imposed on Iran are lifted.

This is also a play by China to see if secondary sanctions, which would be triggered if China gained access to Iran’s oil, are enforced by the United Nations or the United States. Would either have the stomach to enforce sanctions against China in that case?

This is another major move by China to establish itself on the world stage, even going so far as to say that they would host negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA).

My dad, ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow, gave his thoughts on this play by China and what it means:

"This is a play by the Chinese government, the Chinese Communist Party, to be clear. They are making a play for dominance now in the Middle East. Now, 400 billion dollars is a lot of money but it is not enough to undue the disastrous economy that Iran is; but they also agreed to buy their oil. That changes the equation significantly.

This is another undercutting of U.S. interests, trying to put the United States on the sidelines. The question is the Biden Administration’s reaction to this. Why in the world would the Chinese go back into the JCPOA?"

That’s a very good question, and we will continue to monitor the situation with China and Iran and as always bring you coverage on this broadcast.

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The full broadcast is complete with much more analysis of the international implications of the deal that China has made with Iran. We were also joined by ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell.

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