How to Begin Decluttering for Your Peace of Mind

3 years ago

The pile of unwashed clothes in the corner of the room, a pantry that makes finding your favorite soup impossible or even a living room full of nonsense that trips you up with every step. What do these have in common? They are all useless clutter that if removed, or organized, can reduce your stress and give you a better outlook on your day! Since 1996 our guest Andrew Mellen has helped over 150,000 businesses and people simplify their work and lives, freeing up valuable time for things that actually matter. He has worked with clients such as American Express, Goldman Sachs, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the New York Mets. Now, Andrew Mellen joins us today to share his expert tips for de-cluttering your messes, and how to manage some of the larger cleaning projects. Find more organization tips and the de-stress your mess challenge visit today.

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