Rebel TV E39 Stop Playing By The Rules

3 years ago

We currently live under the illusion that reason, logic and the rule of law are the foundation of our society. We believe there are facts, that there is a basic reality, that there is an objective historical record of how we got here. We think we are free people living in a free country with unalienable rights. We look at our fellow human beings and we believe they are basically good, that they are reasonable, that they will follow predictable patterns based on our long established cultural mores and moral foundations.
This worldview, this way of looking at and operating in the world, is gone. It has been waning for some time but in the last year it has been utterly obliterated. I hate to shatter your illusion but you have no rights-only permissions, the rule of law does not exist-only force and fraud, reason is dead-only emotion and propaganda exist, and reality is now defined only by individual opinion. This is the world we live in and if we keep playing as if all those things still exist we will continue to lose; and eventually we will lose everything.
Look at what happened in the 2020 election. Republicans are already making plans for the midterm elections and speculating about the next presidential race as if elections and the exercise of government power has not fundamentally changed. HR1, whether it passes or not, demonstrates the democrat's intention to make sure the unconstitutional and illegal changes they made to ensure their victory in 2020 are permanent. And its not just HR1, it is the illegal immigrant citizenship process, the propaganda blitz painting any opposition as white nationalist terrorists and the support of censorship; it is all designed to make the United States a one party state like California or New York. The fact is they acquired power illegitimately yet we are treating this administration like any other. This was the culmination of a coup yet we are debating its merits and edicts as if everything is normal. Its not! Do you really think that they are going to go back to playing by the old rules, or any rules, when they broke them all to get where they are? They are already demonstrating they won't. Do you think there is going to be another free and fair election? And here is the other question for you. Do you really think that even if the republicans succeed in taking the house and the senate they are going to change anything, that they will reverse our trajectory in any meaningful way? Have they ever? They say the democrats are overreaching and the pendulum will swing back. Does it ever swing all the way back to liberty? Or does it just swing back enough to placate the masses and allow the codification of most of the tyranny.
Many believe another viable avenue of obstruction to Biden's indisputable exercise of unconstitutional power and catastrophic policies is to use the courts. The democrats have been doing this for decades. When they can't get their policies passed legislatively they find activist judges to do it for them. That should tell you all you need to know, the courts are not going to be any help. Nor have they been. Most courts refused to hear any case of election fraud, refused to even look at the evidence or hear from thousands of witnesses. The supreme court couldn't be bothered to consider the blatant disregard of the voting rules or constitutional requirements for changing them. But this is just the latest evidence that our justice system is anything but just. The obvious nature of our two tiered justice system had been clear for decades. Those favored by the state swamp are never prosecuted or held to account for obvious lawbreaking. Hillary Clinton was the poster child for this but the Bidens, the people in the FBI and other agencies who initiated the coup against President Trump, they were all protected even though they lied to courts and congresses, actions that would get the rest of us thrown in jail. There is no justice for the rest of us, if we offend the swamp law enforcement and the courts will not help. Investigations and indictments are for us, not for the connected. Look at the difference in treatment for the rioters from Antifa and BLM and those who entered the capitol in January. Courts will ignore evidence, the law and the rules to protect the swamp and punish those who dare question the looting and lawlessness. I've seen it personally, we all see it in the news every day.
Of course we cannot ignore the pandemic response where the rules, and specifically our rights, were eliminated along with our reason. Recently Texas “opened up”, the governor gracious “allowed” businesses to open back up. Allowed? Do you get the language we have accepted? The government, state, federal or local, has decided we must get its permission to exercise our fundamental rights, to assemble, to work, to travel. Our freedom now operates on a sliding scale subject to the whims of those in power. And their rules are arbitrary, sort of. They seem that way because we can't understand why small businesses are closed down and large ones stay open. If you follow the money and power, it becomes obvious. After all, if masks work on airplanes, why not in restaurants? If you get a vaccine, why do you still have to wear a mask and be socially distanced? If you wonder if your fellow citizens still have the capacity for reason and see the absurdity in all these policies, look at how many of them wear their masks alone in the car!
Washington is lost, we must face that reality. The swamp is in control, has been for a long time and no election is going to change that. Trump tried and ultimately failed. It broke the bonds of the Constitution and the rule of law a long time ago. They have no regard for our natural rights. It is a criminal enterprise that looks on us as marks to be defrauded and impoverished for their own gain and it will continue until it destroys itself and the country.
When the rule of law no longer exists for those in power, the acquisition and exercise of power is the only maxim. Laws, constitutions, basic morality are only empty conventions to be used or ignored as required by the situation on the road to totalitarian control. Any such power is only constrained when it meets a greater, more potent and ruthless power. If we desire to restore our natural liberties and rights and live by reason, we must confront the evil that attacks them and we cannot do that successfully on their field with their officials according to rules by which they are not bound. To beat back this tyranny requires three things. We must first acknowledge that the people who desire to enslave us and all their minions are not good people, we can no longer give them the benefit of the doubt-they are evil. Any man or woman who desires to steal from and enslave another is evil. Second, we must ignore their rules and restrictions on our basic rights and liberties and reject their assaults on reason and history. Third, we must no longer bind ourselves to the institutions of power and injustice that enforce their tyranny. Why should we accept and suffer penalties for exercising our natural rights just because they passed a law that criminalizes the exercise of those rights?
We are only going to restore our liberty and freedoms if we reject the very system that is destroying them. Our obviously unjust and tyrannical system depends on our respect and compliance to work. It depends on our funding. If we continue to give their edicts respect and fund our enslavement, we will never reverse the tide of totalitarianism. Our government deserves neither our respect nor support. The only way to win is to stop playing the game the way they want us to.
Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. Thomas Jefferson

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