The Truth Counts March 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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The Truth Counts March 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

One big problem with Fulford and his "reports" ---- he always makes assumptions based on his experiences in Asia and what the Asians tell him. We have FDR on movie film admitting that the Federal Reserve was initially funded with 6,000 tons of gold looted from the Americans, not any Asian gold deposited with the New York Fed. That was a separate issue, especially as all the Federal Reserve Banks are completely separate entities.
Sitting here between the worlds of East and West it is easier to sort out the Whole Truth. It wasn't that Asians weren't getting paid for their goods, though it may have looked that way to them. It was a matter of the "pipeline" carrying the goods and the money, both. The transfer mechanisms were all controlled by the Rockefellers, and later by the Generals of both the U.S. and China.
The Generals on both sides colluded to siphon off the money flowing from the West and the goods flowing from the East. Both militaries and the politicians associated with them gorged themselves on Chinese labor and American money.
This is how the "Secret" Space Force was funded. This is how the vast Chinese land forces, the cities in the Gobi Desert, and so many other Chinese development activities have been built and maintained.
Now they are all trying to circle the wagons and blame each other and blame the civilian politicians, but the Truth is that both the U.S. Military and the Chinese Military are to blame for stealing from our mutual trade pipeline. This has been set up to make it look like the Americans weren't paying their bills, and like the Chinese were being victimized, but the Truth is plain to see.
Neither side would have continued to trade if they weren't benefiting from it.
The benefit to both sides was the existence of a huge and readily accessible Slush Fund that they could secretively use to fund military and industrial projects without having to deal (much) with the civilian politicians.
And all without the public in either country knowing. So now we know.
The money has been spent, the goods have been purchased, and here we all sit. The economic "pump" is grinding slowly to a standstill, because we are all too stupid and selfish to deal with reality. There are those who want to go to war over this in hopes of killing off sufficient numbers of their Priority Creditors; indeed, this war is already launched in America --- the only place on Earth where any "health emergency" exists.

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