Pastor Homer Evins Jr March 28 2021 - Tainted Love III

3 years ago

Pastor Homer Evins Jr March 28 2021 - Tainted Love III

Bible Teaching from God's Word:
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How Do I Show Tainted Love?
Matthew 21:1-17

I. By Not Recognizing the Situation (Matt. 25:1-13)
• Good Morning! I am so glad that you have joined in with us!
• This is Palm Sunday! Jesus is entering the city. This is a momentous occasion!
• Now I know what you are saying, “How does this show Tainted Love?”
• There are many in the crowd that are just going through the motions! To some this is just another day.
• But for many there are those who know what time it is!! They know that this is a new day. This is not like anything that they have seen before.
• Read (Psalms 118:26, Matt. 23:37-39). Are you starting to see it? Is it starting to make sense? Or is this just another Sunday for you?

II. By Not Seeing True Love Personified (Isa. 61:1-3)
• Jesus has come into the city. You have seen the way that He was greeted, so you know that everything else is going to be ok…right!?!
• Now here comes a moment that I call a “Furniture Moving” moment!
• People are selling the animals that would be used for sacrificial service.
• Ok some may not see what the big deal is. Well let’s look at this from this perspective. (Expound)
• Now do you get it? This is one of the things that leads to the heart issue!

III. How Do We Fix This? (John 3:16)
• Choose Jesus Today

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